Prague - Czech Republic
+420 605 885 216


Cross-Border Healthcare Forum


DABBRIAS GROUP creates exclusive annual platforms for specific business gatherings. Each of these platforms offer opportunity for relationship building amongst C-Level professionals /experts, associated with particular business area from all over the world. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor/partner of our event, please request for Conference Sponsorship Request Form, fill it in and return your duly completed form to us via e-mail:

Sponsorship Types

1. Ultimate Sponsorship (9,000 EUR) includes:
• Twenty minutes workshop with the conference participants in one of the conference rooms
• A table in the registration area to promote your company and products
• A display sign that is shown in each of the conference rooms (non‐exclusive)
• The logo of your company looping on the conference website, with a link to your company’s page (non‐ exclusive)
• The logo of your company printed on the back of the paper publication of the conference proceedings (non‐ exclusive)
• A flyer or a gadget to advertise your company, placed in each conference bag (non‐exclusive)
• 9 free passes to the conference
• A mention in the opening speech for your contribution
• A Certificate of Appreciation for your contribution towards the conference

2. Platinum Sponsorship (8,000 EUR) includes:
• Possibility of Twenty minutes workshop with the conference participants in one of the conference rooms
• A table in the registration area to promote your company and products
• A display sign that is shown in the conference room (non‐exclusive)
• The logo of your company looping on the conference website, with a link to your company’s page (non‐ exclusive)
• A flyer or a gadget to advertise your company, placed in each conference bag (non‐exclusive)
• 8 free passes to the conference
• A mention in the opening speech for your contribution
• A Certificate of Appreciation for your contribution towards the conference

3. Gold Sponsorship (7,000 EUR) includes:
• Possibility of Fifteen minutes workshop with the conference participants in one of the conference rooms
• A table in the registration area to promote your company and products
• A display sign that is shown in the conference room (non‐exclusive)
• The logo of your company looping on the conference website, with a link to your company’s page (non‐ exclusive)
• A flyer or a gadget to advertise your company, placed in each conference bag (non‐exclusive)
• 7 free passes to the conference
• A mention in the opening speech for your contribution
• A Certificate of Appreciation for your contribution towards the conference

4. Silver Sponsorship (6,000 EUR) includes:
• Possibility of Ten minutes workshop with the conference participants in one of the conference rooms
• A table in the registration area to promote your company and products
• The logo of your company looping on the conference website, with a link to your company’s page (non‐ exclusive)
• 6 free passes to the conference
• A mention in the opening speech for your contribution
• A flyer or a gadget to advertise your company, placed in each conference bag (non‐exclusive)

5. Bronze Sponsorship (5,000 EUR) includes:
• Exclusive right to host any of event’s activity – Welcome Reception & Networking, Panel Discussion, Excursion, Gala Night, Lunch Break, Coffee Break, Networking Dinner, Farewell Drinks, e.t.c.
• The logo of your company looping on the conference website, with a link to your company’s page (non‐ exclusive)
• 5 free passes to the conference
• A flyer or a gadget to advertise your company, placed in each conference bag (non‐exclusive)


6. Partners Plus (4,000 EUR) includes:
• Possibility of making a presentation
• Partner’s logo conspicuously displayed on any of event’s memorabilia – Badges, Folder, Bag, Agenda, e.t.c. (non‐exclusive)
• The logo of your company looping on the conference website, with a link to your company’s page (non‐ exclusive)
• 4 free passes to the conference
• A flyer or a gadget to advertise your company, placed in each conference bag (non‐exclusive)

7. Partner (3,630 EUR) includes:
• Forty-Five minutes presentation
• Partner’s logo conspicuously displayed on any of event’s memorabilia – Badges, Folder, Bag, Agenda, e.t.c. (non‐exclusive)
• The logo of your company looping on the conference website, with a link to your company’s page (non‐ exclusive)
• 3 free passes to the conference
• A flyer or a gadget to advertise your company, placed in each conference bag (non‐exclusive)

8. Speaking Partner (2,420 EUR) includes:
• Forty-Five minutes presentation
• 2 free pass to the conference
• Distribution of partner’s promotional material at the event either in delegate packs, placed on seats or handed out to each attendee

9. Media Partner (On Mutual Agreement) includes:
• Event listing or banner on partner’s website
• 2 x stand-alone emails (The copy for the email broadcasts will be provided by DABBRIAS, with editing by partner and final approval by both parties).
• Emails relating to event shall be sent to partner’s contacts in or near event location in particular and elsewhere in general.
• Partners logo hyperlinked on event homepage
• Partner’s logo on the event material
• 15% discount for partner’s contacts, members and website visitors to attend relevant event
• Possibility of 1 free pass to the conference
• Distribution of partner’s promotional material at the event either in delegate packs, placed on seats or handed out to each attendee


• Opportunities for bespoke sponsorship packages in line with your expectations and budget does exist
• All listed prices above are without VAT
• Please note that VAT shall be added where applicable
• For more information, please email: